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J.M. Lifshitz, F. Gov and M. Gandelsman, “Instrumented low velocity impact of CFRP beams”, Int. J. of Impact Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 2, 201-215, (1995).
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J.M. Lifshitz and M. Gandelsman, “Effect of Near Surface Impact-Induced Damage on the Residual Strength of Woven Glass/Epoxy Composite Beams”, Composite Science and Technology, Vol. 57, No. 2, 205-216, (1997).
J.M. Lifshitz and D. Gildin, “Failure of Delaminated Carbon/Epoxy Composite Beams under Cyclic Compression”, Composite Structures, Vol. 39, Nos. 3-4, 289-296, (1997).
J.M. Lifshitz and H. Leber, “Response of Fiber-Reinforced Polymers to High- Strain-Rate Loading in Interlaminar Tension and Combined Tension/Shear”, Composites Sci. & Technology, Vol. 58, No. 6, 987-996, (1998).
O. Ishai and J.M. Lifshitz, “Quality Assurance of GFRP Pipes for Seawater Cooling of Power Plants”, J. of Composites for Construction, ASCE, (1999).
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Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa