Talk to us
Elon Rimon

Elon Rimon

Head of The Autonomous Robots Lab


  • 1986 – B.Sc., Computer Engineering, Faculty of EE, Technion – I.I.T.
  • 1987 – M.Sc., Electrical Engineering, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA
  • 1990 – Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA

Research Interests

  • Robot vehicles: navigating an experimental mobile robot to a goal while avoiding collision with obstacles, while information is gathered on-line using sensors.
  • “Walking” robots: planning motion of articulated mechanisms like “snake” and “spider” robots through a sequence of stable equilibria.
  • Others: robot juggling, workpiece fixturing, assembly planning.

Guest Appointments

  • Post Doctorate Fellow, Computer Science, Stanford Univ. (1991)
  • Lecturer, U.C. Berkeley (1992)
  • Visiting Faculty, Caltech, ME Dept. (1993)

Selected Publications

  • E. Rimon and J.W. Burdick, “The Mechanics of Robotic Grasping”, Cambridge University Press, (2019)
  • E. Rimon, “Construction of C-space roadmaps form local sensory data: What should the sensors look for?”, Submitted to Algorithmica.
  • E. Rimon and J.W. Burdick, “Towards Planning with force Constraints — I. On the 1st order mobility of bodies in contact”, Journal of Mechanisms and Machine Theory, (1995).
  • E. Rimon and J.W. Burdick, “Towards planning with force constraints — II. On the 2nd order mobility of bodies in contact”, Journal of Mechanisms and Machine Theory, (1995).
  • E. Rimon and S.P. Boyd, “Efficient distance computation using best ellipsoid fit”, Submitted to the IEEE Transactions On Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.
  • E. Rimon and D.E. Koditchek, “Exact robot navigation using artificial potential functions”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, (1992).
  • E. Rimon and K.S. Narendra, “A new adaptive estimator for linear systems”, A Technical correspondence Item for the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, (1992).
  • E. Rimon and D.E. Koditchek, “Robot navigation functions on manifolds with boundary”, Transactions of the American Navigation Functions on Manifolds with Boundary, Journal of Advances in Applied Mathematics, (1990).
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Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa

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