Nonlinear optics in incoherent light for solar applications.
Guest Appointment
2008-2011 Postdoctoral Associate, Electrical Engineering Department, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
Industrial Experience
Co-founder at Luminescent Heat Engines. Luminescent developed an isothermal phase-changing heat engine, heat pump, and Carnot battery based on bubbly flow.
Co-founder at RealView imaging. With over 30 granted patents, RealView developed the first and only commercial holographic display.
Honors and Awards
“Leaders in Science and Technology-Horev Fellow” (2011)
“Marie Curie Career Integration Grants” (2011)
“Bikura post doctorate fellowship” (2009)
Outstanding Student Presentation Award at the Frontiers in Optics conference (2009)
“Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellowship” for post doctorate studies (2008)
“Adams Fellowship” (2006)
“Applied Materials” scholarship (2005)
2nd Place Award in the National Contest among all finals student projects in Mechanical Engineering. (2000)
Selected Publications
C. Rotschild, S. Zommer, S. Moed, O. Hershcovitz, S. G. Lipson, “Adjustable spiral phase plate”, Appl. Opt. 43, 2397, (2004).
C. Rotschild , O. Cohen, O. Manela, T. Carmon, and M. Segev, “Interactions between spatial screening solitons propagating in opposite directions”, JOSA B, 21, 7,1354,(2004).
C. Rotschild, T. Carmon, O. Cohen, O. Manela, and M. Segev, “Solitons in nonlinear media with an infinite range of nonlocality: first observation of coherent elliptic solitons and of vortex-ring solitons”, Phys. Rev. Lett.. 95, 213904 (2005).
C. Rotschild, Z. Xu, O. Cohen, Y. aroslav V. Kartashov, L Torner, and Mordechai Segev, “Two-dimensional multipole-mode solitons in nonlocal nonlinear media”, Opt. Lett. 31, 3312, (2006).
C. Rotschild, B. Alfassi, O. Cohen, and M. Segev, “Long-range interactions between optical solitons”. Nature Phys. 2, 769, (2006).
R. El-Ganainy, D. N. Christodoulides, Z. H. Musslimani, C. Rotschild, and M. Segev, “Optical beam instabilities in nonlinear nanosuspensions”, Opt. Lett., 32, 3185 (2007).
I. Kaminer, C. Rotschild, O. Manela, and M. Segev., “Periodic solitons in nonlocal nonlinear media”, Opt. Lett., 32, 3209 (2007)
B. Alfassi, C. Rotschild, O. Cohen, D. N. Christodoulides, and M. Segev, “Boundary Force Effects Extracted on Solitons in Nonlinear Media With a Very Large Range of Nonlocality”, Opt. Lett., 32, 154 (2007).
R. El-Ganainy, C. Rotschild, M. Segev, and D. N. Christodoulides,” Soliton Dynamics and Self-Induced Transparency in Nonlinear Nanosuspensions”, Optics Express, 15, 10207(2007)
A. Barak, C. Rotschild, B. Alfassi, D. N. Christodoulides and M. Segev, “Random-Phase Surface-Wave Solitons in Nonlocal Nonlinear Media”, Opt. Lett., 32, 2450 (2007)
B. Alfassi, C. Rotschild, O. Manela, D. N. Christodoulides and M. Segev, “Nonlocal Surface-Wave Solitons”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 213901 (2007).
C. Rotschild, T. Schwartz, O. Cohen and M. Segev, “Incoherent solitons in effectively instantaneous nonlocal nonlinear media”, Nature Photonics, 2, 371( 2008).
B. Alfassi, C. Rotschild, and M. Segev, “incoherent surface solitons in effectively instantaneous nonlocal nonlinear media”, Phys. Rev. A, 80, 041808 (2009).
Y. Lamhot, A. Barak, C. Rotschild, M. Saraf, E. Lifshitz, A. Marmur,R. El-Ganainy and D.N. Christodoulides, and M. Segev, “Optical control of thermo-capillary effects in complex nanofluids”, Phys. Rev. Lett.. 103, 264503 (2009).
C.L. Mulder, P. D. Reusswig, A. Beyler, H. Kim, C. Rotschild, M.A. Baldo, “Dyes Aligned in Luminescent Solar Concentrators II. Horizontal Alignment for Energy Harvesting in Linear Polarizers”, Optics Express, 18, A91 (2010) [Energy express].
C.L. Mulder, P. D. Reusswig, A. M. Velazquez, H. Kim, C. Rotschild, M.A. Baldo, “Dyes Aligned in Luminescent Solar Concentrators I. Vertical Alignment for Improved Waveguiding Coupling”, Optics Express, 18, A79 (2010) [Energy express]
E. Greenfield, C. Rotschild, J Nemirovsky, A Szameit, R El-Ganainy, D. N. Christodoulides, M. Saraf, E. Lifshitz, and M Segev,. “Light-induced self-synchronizing flow patterns”, New Journal Of Physics, 13, 052021 .(2011)
C. Rotschild, M. Tomes, H. Mendoza, T. L. Andrew, T. M. Swager, T. Carmon, and M.A. Baldo, “Cascaded energy transfer for efficient broad-band pumping of high-quality, micro-lasers”, Advanced Materials, 23: . doi: 10.1002/adma.201100467. (2011)