דברו איתנו
Seminar: Multistable Metafluids

Seminar: Multistable Metafluids

17 June, 2024
  • 14:30
  • D. Dan and Betty Kahn Building, Room 217
  • Amir Gat

The thermodynamic properties of fluids play a crucial role in many engineering applications, particularly in the context of energy. In this work, we suggest creating fluids with multistable thermodynamic properties in order to offer new paths for harvesting and storing energy via transitions between equilibria states. Such artificial multistable fluids can be created using the approach employed in metamaterials, which controls macro-properties through micro-structure composition. In this work, the dynamics of such `metafluids' is examined for a configuration of calorically-perfect compressible gas contained within multistable elastic capsules flowing in a fluid-filled tube.

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