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Success in the Light of Day

Success in the Light of Day


The ORYOM™ robotics surgery system developed by ForSight Robotics, one of the founders of which is Prof. Moshe Shoham, was showcased to President Isaac Herzog

פרט ברובוט של חברת פורסייט רובוטיקס

ForSight Robotics, one of whose founders is Prof. Moshe Shoham of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, demonstrated robotic cataract surgery performed by robotic surgery system ORYOM developed by the company to President Isaac Herzog. According to the company’s experts, the robot is ten times more accurate than human surgeons.

ORYOM is designed to perform eye surgery to treat various diseases, a market that is estimated at 28 million surgeries a year. The introduction of a robotic system is expected to substantially shorten waiting times for patients, which are becoming longer and longer due to the growing shortage of skilled eye surgeons.

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