Assoc. Tech. Ed., Trans. ASME J. of Tribology (1990-1997)
Member (1994-1998) and Secretary (1999-2000), Executive Committee Tribology Division of the ASME
Member (2000-2002) and Chairman (2002-2003), Nomination and Oversight Committee Tribology Division of the ASME
Membership in Professional Societies
ASME Fellow
STLE Fellow
Honors and Awards
Academia Romana Traian Vuia Prize (1998)
The Hershel Rich Technion Innovation Award (1999)
Sanford Kaplan Prize in Creative management for 21st Century High Technology (2004)
ASME Tribology Division RCT Innovative Research Award (2005)
STLE International Award (2005)
ASME Mayo D. Hersey Award (2016)
W.R. Chang, I. Etsion and D.B. Bogy: An Elastic Plastic Model for the Contact of Rough Surfaces. J. Tribology, Trans ASME, Vol. 109, No. 2, April 1987, pp. 257-263.
H.M. Stanley, I. Etsion, and D.B. Bogy: Adhesion of Contacting Rough Surfaces in the Presence of Sub-Boundary Lubrication. J. Tribology, Trans. ASME, Vol. 112, No. 1, Jan. 1990, pp. 98-104.
Polycarpou and I. Etsion: Comparison of the Static Friction Sub-Boundary Lubrication Model with Experimental Measurements on Thin Film Disks. Tribology Transactions, Vol. 41, No. 2, April 1998, pp. 217-224.
Etsion, Y. Kligerman and G. Halperin: Analytical and Experimental Investigation of Laser-Textured Mechanical Seal Faces. Tribology Transactions, Vol. 42, No. 3, July 1999, pp. 511-516.
Y. Kligerman and I. Etsion: Analysis of the Hydrodynamic Effects in a Surface Textured Circumferential Gas Seal. Tribology Transactions, Vol. 44, No. 3, July 2001, pp. 472-478.
Ronen, I. Etsion and Y. Kligerman: Friction-Reducing Surface Texturing in Reciprocating Automotive Components. Tribology Transactions, Vol. 44, No. 3, July 2001, pp. 359-366.
D. W. Nitzan and I. Etsion: Adhesive Force: the Underlying Cause of the Disc Anchorage to the Fossa and/or Eminence in the Temporomandibular Joint – A New Concept. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Vol. 31, Feb. 2002, pp. 94-99.
M. Groper and I. Etsion: Reverse Flow as a possible Mechanism for Cavitation Pressure Build-up in a Submerged Journal Bearing. J. of Tribology, Trans. ASME, Vol. 124, No. 2, April 2002, pp. 320-326.
M. Varenberg, G. Halperin and I. Etsion: Different Aspects of the Role of Wear Debris in Fretting Wear. Wear, Vol. 252, July 2002, pp. 902-910.
I. Etsion and G. Halperin: A Laser Surface Textured Hydrostatic Mechanical Seal. Tribology Transactions, Vol. 45, No. 3, July 2002, pp. 430-434.
L. Kogut and I. Etsion: Elastic-Plastic Contact Analysis of a Sphere and a Rigid Flat. J. of Applied Mechanics, Trans. ASME. Vol. 69, No. 5, Sept. 2002, pp. 657-662.
G. Ryk, Y. Kligerman and I. Etsion: Experimental Investigation of Laser Surface Texturing for Reciprocating Automotive Components. Tribology Transactions, Vol.45, No. 4, Oct. 2002, pp. 444-449.
L. Kogut and I. Etsion: Adhesion in Elastic-Plastic Spherical Micro-Contact. J. of Colloid and Interface Science , 261, May 2003, pp. 372-378.
L. Kogut and I. Etsion: A Semi-Analytical Solution for the Sliding Inception of a Spherical Contact. J. of Tribology, Trans ASME , Vol. 125, No. 3, July 2003, pp. 499-506.
M. Varenberg, I. Etsion and G. Halperin: An Improved Wedge Calibration Method for Lateral Force in Atomic Force Microscopy. Review of Scientific Instruments , Vol. 74, July 2003, pp. 3362-3367.
V. Brizmer, Y. Kligerman and I. Etsion: A Laser Surface Textured Parallel Thrust Bearing. Tribology Transactions , Vol. 46, July 2003, pp. 397-403.
M. Varenberg, I. Etsion and G. Halperin: Cross-Talk Problems in Scanning-by-Probe Atomic Force Microscopy. Review of Scientific Instruments , Vol. 74, July 2003, pp. 3569-3571.
L. Kogut and I. Etsion: A Static Friction Model for Elastic-Plastic Contacting Rough Surfaces. J. of Tribology, Trans. ASME, Vol. 126, No. 1, January 2004 pp. 34-40
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Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa