Visiting Scientist, National Institute of Mechanical Engineering, CSIR, Pretoria, South Africa (1978)
Staff Scientist, Avco Systems Division, Wilmington, MA, USA (1971-73)
Public Professional Activities
Head, Energy Forum, the Samuel Neaman Institute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology (2005-present)
Head, Energy Engineering Research Center, Faculty of ME, Technion (1975 1977, 2002-2007, 2008-2011)
Head - Solar Energy Laboratory, Faculty of ME, Technion
Head, Rechler Cryogenic Cooling Laboratory, Faculty of ME, Technion
Dean, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (1997-2001)
Member of Technion's Academic Development Committee (1997-99), Steering Committee (1990-93), Research Committee (1993-95), Senate representative to the Board of Governors (2000-2002)
Membership in Professional Societies
ASME (Fellow)
ASHRAE (Fellow)
Cryogenic Society of America
ISES; Member of the International Board of ISES and former Chairman of the Israeli Section
Russell B. Scott Memorial Award, Cryogenic Society of America (2009)
Georg Alefeld Memorial Award for lifetime contribution to Absorption Heat Pump Technology (2008)
Gen. Yakov Dori Memorial Prize on Technological Innovation (1993)
Sherman Gilbert Chair in Energy (1992)
British Royal Society Grant (1976)
Gutwirth Research Award (1975)
Hebrew Technical Institute Scholarship (1967-1970)
Fulbright Grant (1967)
Y. Evron, K. Gommed and G. Grossman: ABSIM – Modular simulation of advanced absorption systems: Recent software enhancements. International Journal of Refrigeration, 93, 79-84, (2018).
S. Sobol and G. Grossman: Miniature PT cryocooler activated by resonant Piezoelectric compressor and passive warm expander. IOP Conference Series, Material Science and Engineering, 278, 012141/1-8, (2017).
D. Radchenko and G. Grossman: Passive mechanical device for phase shifting in a pulse tube cryocooler. Cryocoolers 19, 201-210 (2016).
S. Cohen and G. Grossman: Development of a solar collector with a stationary spherical reflector/tracking absorber for industrial process heat. Solar Energy, 128, 31-40 (2016).
K. Gommed, G. Grossman, J. Prieto, J. Ortiga and A. Coronas: Experimental comparison between internally and externally cooled air-solution contactors. Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 21, 267–274 (2015).
E. Gonen and G. Grossman: Gap seal dissipation in linear alternators. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 137, 1744-1755 (2015)
S. Sobol, N. Tzabar and G. Grossman: Miniature piezoelectric compressor for Joule-Thomson cryocoolers. Physics Procedia, 67, 423-427 (2015).
S. Sobol and G. Grossman: Linear resonance compressor for Stirling-type cryocoolers activated by piezoelectric stack-type elements. IOP Conference Series, Material Science and Engineering, 101, 012093/1-9, (2015).
N. Tzabar and G. Grossman: Mixed-refrigerant Joule-Thomson sorption cryocoolers. Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, 59, 1049-1054, (2014)
K. Gommed and G. Grossman: Investigation of an improved solar-powered open absorption system for cooling, dehumidification and air conditioning. International Journal of Refrigeration, 35, 676-684, (2012).
G. Grossman, P.E. Bradley, M.A. Lewis and R. Radebaugh: Model for transient behavior of pulse tube cryocooler. Cryogenics 51, 124–131 (2011).
S. Sobol, Y. Katz and G. Grossman: A study of a miniature in-line pulse tube cryocooler. Cryocoolers 16, 87-95 (2010).
Nachman, N. Pundak and G. Grossman: CFD modeling of reciprocating flow around a bend in Pulse Tube cryocoolers. Cryocoolers 15, 251-259 (2009).
Garaway and G. Grossman: A study of a high frequency miniature reservoir-less Pulse Tube. Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, 53B, 1547-1554 (2008).
M. Raizner, I. Garaway and G. Grossman: A numerical CFD model for reciprocating laminar flow in a channel. Cryocoolers 14, 317-326 (2007).
C.A. Balaras, G. Grossman, H.-M. Henning, C.A. Infante Ferreira, E. Podesser, L. Wang and E. Wiemken: Solar air conditioning in Europe – an overview. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 11, 299-314 (2007).