Member, The Council for Higher Education, Jerusalem
Member, Editorial Board, CIRP, MR, AMT.
Membership in Professional Societies
ASME (fellow member)
SME (fellow member)
Honors and Awards
The Schlesinger Chair in Manufacturing Systems (1984-1998)
F.W. Taylor Medal of CIRP (1964)
F.W. Taylor Research Medal of SME (1979)
J. Wallenberg Foundation Scholarship (1982)
Meitner-Humboldt Award (1997)
E. Kroll, E. Lenz, J.R. Wolberg, “Knowledge-based synthesis in design-for-assembly”, ASME Conference Proc., DE-Vol. 21, PED-Vol. 36, pp. 205-212, (1989).
E. Kroll, E. Lenz, J.R. Wolberg, “Rule-based generation of exploded-views and assembly sequences”, Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 3(3), pp. 143-145, (1989).
J. Rotberg, S. Braun, E. Lenz, “Vibration generation models for cutting tool monitoring”. Presented and published in the Proc. of the ASME 12th Biennial Conference on Vibration and Noise, Montreal, September 17-20, (1989).
J. Rotberg, E. Lenz, S. Braun, “Vibration based drill wear monitoring”, Manufacturing Review, Vol. 3, Nr. 1, pp. 60-65, (1990).
E. Zussman, E. Lenz, M. Shpitalni, “An approach to automatic assembly planning”, CIRP Annals, 39, (1990).
SPUR, G., F.L. Krause, E. Lenz, M. Shpitalni, A. Fisher, Multirepresentation based geometrical modeler, CIRP Annals, 39, (1991).
E. Zussman, M. Shoham and E. Lenz, “A kinematical approach to the automatic assembly planning problem”, ASME Proceedings, PED-Vol. 50, Intelligent Design and Manufacturing for Prototyping, pp. 125-140, (1991).
E. Zussman, M. Shoham and E. Lenz, “Automatic assembly planning – A kinematic approach by means of screw theory”. Manufacturing Review, ASME, (1992).
S. Shoval, I. Zeitoun, E. Lenz, “Implementation of a Kalman Filter in Positioning for Autonomous Vehicles, and its Sensitivity to the Process Parameters”, (1997).
U. Benshetrit, E.Lenz, M. Shoham, “Collision Detection in Static and Dynamic Complex Scenes not having Geometry Coherence”, (1998).
J. Rotberg, E. Lenz, M. Levin, “Drill and Clamping Interface in High Performance Drilling”, (1998).
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Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa