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Happy to Welcome You

Happy to Welcome You


The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering hosted 150 outstanding students from leading schools in Haifa

פרופ' מורן ברקוביץ במ]גש עם התלמידים המצטיינים מחיפה

The event, which was organized together with the Haifa Municipality’s Department of Excellence, provided the students with a glimpse into what is happening at the Faculty and piqued their intellectual curiosity and interest in studying at the Faculty.

After listening to lectures by Dr. Dana Solav, Prof. Moran Berkovici and Prof. Alon Wolf, the students participated in a roundtable with graduate students, where they asked any questions they had and made plans for the future.

We look forward to meeting you as students at the Faculty!

Photo: Prof. Moran Berkovici meets outstanding students from Haifa

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