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Prof. Leonid Tartakovsky, Head of the Internal Combustion Engines Laboratory at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, is the Israeli head of an experiment for reducing pollution from vehicles, in cooperation with the European Union

פרופ' ליאוניד טרטקובסקי

Prof. Leonid Tartakovsky, head of the Internal Combustion Engines Laboratory at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, was selected to lead the Israeli portion of a large-scale study conducted by the European Union as part of the fight against environmental pollution from nanoparticles emitted from gasoline-powered vehicles.

In the study, 50 Israeli vehicles will be fitted with particulate filters similar to those installed in heavy diesel-powered vehicles, to evaluate the effect of the filter on the vehicle’s fuel consumption.

In the study, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering serves as a subcontractor of Vert® Association, which promotes technologies for emission reduction.

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