- B.Sc Physics and Astronomy (with honors), Tel-Aviv University, 1981.
- M.Sc. Physics (with honors), Israel Institute of Technology, Technion,
Haifa, 1985.
- Ph.D Applied Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, 1992.
Thesis: “Holographic optical elements for far IR radiation”.
Supervisor: Prof. A.A. Friesem.
Research Interests
Atomic-scale photonics, Nanophotonics, Metasurfaces, Plasmonics, Spinoptics, Quantum photonics, Quantum materials, Quantum sensing and devices, Low dimensional materials, 2-D materials and devices, Quantum light sources, Quantum Metamaterials and Metasurfaces, Topological photonics
Honors and Awards (Selected only)
- Salomon Simon Mani Award for Excellence in Teaching, Technion, 2002.
- The Henry Taub Prize for Academic Excellence, Technion, 2009.
- Award for Excellence in Teaching, Technion, 2010.
- Award for outstanding contribution to the success of the IHTC14 as a
- Keynote Speaker “Manipulation of a Thermal Emission by Use of Micro and Nanoscale Structures” at the 14th International Heat Transfer Conference
Washington, DC, USA, August 8-13, 2010.
- Award for Fellow of Optical Society of America (OSA), 2012; “for pioneering contributions in the field of nano-photonics, and specifically for developing a new branch in optics-spinoptics: the symmetry breaking in nanostructures due to spin-orbit interaction“.
- Award for Schlesinger Chair, Technion 2015.