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Members’ Benefits

Members’ Benefits

Companies joining our IAP are awarded access to a comprehensive benefits package including components from the fields of Education & Teaching, Human Resources & Employment, Research & Development, and Public Relations & Marketing. Package components, listed below, constitute the backbone of the program, even though companies are always welcome to offer the Faculty new initiatives that enrich the dialogue, deepen common grounds and utilization of growth opportunities, which “push the envelope” of the existing benefits package.

Education & Teaching

  • Option to suggest subjects and accompany students in their final projects.
  • Participation in a special ‘Faculty Council’ meeting addressing curriculums, research and Faculty labs; to encourage awareness of top personnel from member companies.
  • Option to give short courses or seminars.
  • Option to give guest lectures in Faculty courses by qualified company personnel.
  • Option to organize mini-courses, seminars, summer courses or advanced degree programs for company employees (additional payment).
  • Option for company employees to attend faculty courses free of charge (advance notice required).
  • Access to Faculty library services (advance notice required).

Human resources & Employment

  • Option to hold an exclusive Student Recruiting Day twice a year.
  • Option to participate in a Student Recruiting Day held once a year in the faculty building for several companies at a time.
  • Option to distribute e-mail announcements concerning recruiting days, prizes and scholarships, conferences and symposia, to undergraduates and graduates students.
  • Option to award scholarships to Faculty students.
  • Option to sponsor Faculty alumni reunions.
  • Option to sponsor Faculty graduation ceremonies.
  • Option to sponsor Faculty seminars, conferences and symposia.


Access to faculty members and students at all levels.


Public Relations & Marketing

  • Company name + logo on a special “Industrial Affiliates” website linked to ME Faculty website.
  • Company name + logo on a special “Industrial Affiliates” board in the ME building lobby.
  • Advertise company activities at the Faculty on electronic boards located in main entrances to Faculty building.
  • Option to link selected company web pages to faculty IAP web site.
  • Option to present exhibitions in Faculty building.
  • Option to advertise in the Faculty magazine (MOMENT) which appears bi-annually and distributed to about 8,000 graduates and people in the industry (additional payment).

Research & Development

  • Participation in the ME “Research Day”, held once a year, in which Faculty members and graduate students, listed among the leading researchers worldwide, present their latest developments tackling issues at the forefront of research.
  • Confidential and reliable channel to Faculty researchers.
  • Option to receive copies of publications and annual activity reports produced by the Faculty.
  • Option to include articles concerning R&D activities in the companies in the Faculty magazine.
  • Access to the list of courses and research topics of graduate students.
  • Option to list company R&D needs and make connections to Faculty capabilities.
  • Discount on execution of company projects in Faculty labs.
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Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa

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