דברו איתנו
הפקולטה להנדסת מכונות מגייסת

הפקולטה להנדסת מכונות מגייסת


לפקולטה להנדסת מכונות בטכניון דרושים מועמדים מצטיינים בכל הדרגות. מועמדים מכל תחומי הנדסת המכונות וגם מועמדים מצטיינים מתחומי מדע אחרים הקשורים ליישומי הנדסת מכונות מוזמנים להגיש מועמדות

Professor teaching at class. Photo: Vanessa Garcia, Pexels

The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Technion is seeking for outstanding candidates at the rank of Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor. The faculty is expected to recruit more than 10 new hirings in the next couple of years.

Technion is Israel’s primary technological university and the largest center for applied research. The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering was established in 1935 and is located at the center of Technion’s main campus in Haifa – an intercultural port-city located on the northern part of Israel’s Mediterranean coastline, and home to one of the largest high-tech parks in the country.

The Faculty seeks to recruit several new faculty members pursuing transformative research programs. Candidates in all areas of theoretical, computational, and experimental Mechanical Engineering will be considered. Nevertheless, outstanding candidates in other fields of science related to Mechanical Engineering applications are also encouraged to apply.

Qualifications include a doctorate in engineering, or a related field and an outstanding record of research and teaching accomplishments.

Interested applicants should provide: a cover letter; a detailed curriculum vitae (include PDF copies of a maximum of three highly significant, peer-reviewed, published manuscripts); research statement (1-3 pages); teaching statement (1-3 pages); and names and e-mail addresses of 5 references.

Please send your documents and direct your inquiries to me.recruit@technion.ac.il

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