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The Mechanical Engineering Faculty warmly welcomes Dr. Nili Krausz, Dr. Evgeniy Boyko and Assoc. Prof. Morel Groper, who joined its ranks as new academic staff

25 חברות וחברי סגל חדשים שהצטרפו לטכניון

On February 6, 2024, the Technion Visitors Center held a festive reception for 25 new academic staff members who joined the ranks of the Technion in the various faculties, including three new members of the Mechanical Engineering Faculty staff. Technion President, Prof. Uri Sivan, the administration, deans of the different faculties and the new academic staff members attended the event.

Prof. Naama Brenner, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, served as the emcee, and congratulated the new academic staff members. She said, “You’ve come to the Technion in a challenging time, a time of war. This is a time of crisis, and it is important that you remember your commitment and ours to the State of Israel. As members of the academic staff, we have the obligation – and have been given the privilege – of serving in a leadership role in Israeli society.”

President of the Technion, Prof. Uri Sivan, noted in his comments that this year marked the 100th anniversary of the Technion. “You have every right to be very proud of joining the ranks of this institution, and we have no doubt that your conduct will not only be guided by professionalism, but also by a social commitment and responsibility to the social resiliency of the State of Israel,” he said.

In the photo: Technion President, Prof. Uri Sivan, and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, Prof. Naama Brenner, with 25 new academic staff members who joined the Technion.

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